Jana Vanourkova Photography
Midsummerday dream
하나의 소리로 흘러오면 진공으로 푸른 우주에 둥둥 떠갔으면
풀내음 실은 바람 팔랑이며 부는 날엔 머릿속 하얗게 비우고 민들레 홀씨 되어 날아올라 바람이 쉬는 언덕에 가봤으면
달맞이꽃 미소 잃고 노랗게 퇴색하는 밤엔 마음속 모든 구속들 버리고 밤하늘로 퍼져 바람 따라 흩어지는 불꽃놀이 폭죽으로 터져 버렸으면
유성우 하늘 가득 쏟아져 바람이 포롱포롱 노래하는 날엔 홀로 들판에 누워 가슴 깊이 고운 빛 새겨 넣으며 아무도 모르게 별 하나 품어 봤으면
바람이 물소리로 억천만겁 번뇌 속을 돌아 나에게, 너에게, 세상에 녹아든
그렇게 되었으면...송연주
Summer Lightness
elements of spring
Last spring
Poppy catwalk
colourful point of view
song of spring
Summer reflection
lgooth setting
Spring in Moravia
This way for romance
Spring in Lednice
Divine hues
promise of spring
spring reassurence
The summer bouquet
The Chinese Inspiration
frozen love affair
Venice is for lovers
waste land collection
Spring geometry
Savannah alley
Lonely Sunday Afternoon
Photograper Jana Vanourkova
Jana is an intuitive photographer, who tries to capture the mood and spitrit of places and people. She loves to travel, she has visited more than 50 countries. She photographs since she was 14 years old. Jana uses Nikon SLR cameras and lately she is photographing on Fuji Velvia and Provia slide films. Look at her impression collection of photographs, they are always in a separate file per country photogallery. Please let us know what you like.